rmellis 30/05/2020
 We're now fully protected from all kinds of DDOS attacks.
We are part of a huge network of hundreds and
  thousands of Minecraft servers around the world,
  this is for flowing attacking traffic thru every node
  available so if one server is attacked all the servers
  share the traffic. Because of the huge scale of this
  shared network it's completely ineffective and
players won't notice
anything even if it's our
serverbeing attacked.
Another future of this is
it works as a CDN
(content delivery
network) which means
access to our server is
global and ensures a
fast onnection, on the
right is a map of all out
This service is compleatly
Free from TCP Shield,
it covers de.floydcraft.xyz

Click to Enlarge



thanks to TCP Shield

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We've added Live Server Stats to our site
as you can see below it shows playe.rs with
the most kills, most deaths, top kills and
top play time. Aswell as that you can enter
a player's username and see spacific stats
on that player, Try it out above.